Zero, here, is supposed to allude to the number of extra frills in the game. Even Resident Evil Zero, while a later release, is still just a redux of the very first game. Who the hell would assume that number two was the first in the series, three was two and zero was three? Just writing that gives me a mild migraine, and it should for anyone else familiar with…counting. But it’s easy to see how players might be inclined to try this one first. Now, if you’ve played the games that came before, you know what to expect: eat colorful bricks, get bigger, eat more bricks. You literally can create a save slot (with no name or otherwise marker) and get dropped into the primordial soup. There’s no tutorial, narration or narrative given whatsoever. Firstly, that you’ve played any of the previous games, and that’s what’ll keep you engaged. Sparkle ZERO makes several very large assumptions right out the gate. However, I don’t think the best was saved for last. The final iteration, Sparkle ZERO, has now landed on the Switch and, for better or worse, this is the last incarnation of the survival series. Sparkle 3, by comparison, did a great job of giving direction to players and creating reasons to build and grow, while also removing some of the more questionable decisions, like arbitrarily moving between layers. The original Sparkle (ironically, Sparkle 2) felt stuck somewhere between a sandbox and a creation game, being at least a bit entertaining but not really succeeding in either direction.

It seems like, with every iteration of the Sparkle franchise, Forever Entertainment really wants to try and do something different while sticking to the key idea.