Bodybuilder showoff
Bodybuilder showoff

bodybuilder showoff

My gym has no boxing equipment, not even a place to jump rope, yet Rocky comes here three times a week to get ready for Apollo. What I don't get is the guy shadowboxing in front of the dumbbells. I'm all for boxing, I think it's a great way to stay fit and relieve tension. I could smell him coming and it was so bad that if he worked next to me, I would finish what I was doing quickly and run for oxygen. I'm pretty sure that he didn't wash himself, his gym clothes, his underwear-or most likely all three. It wasn't a natural, "I just busted my a$$ and sweated a fountain" type of odor-it was more of a festering pile of sewage smell that assaulted the nose. Stanky, for lack of a better term, stank. I mean frigging loafers? One workout I could understand, but nobody forgets their gym bag everyday. His lifting attire consists of a T-shirt, dress pants, and loafers. I've seen him many times, and I still don't get it. The Sharp-Dressed Manīelieve me, not every girl is going crazy for this guy. Now, I have nothing against conversation, especially workout talk, but chat boy doesn't know when to stop and turns a one-hour workout into two. Chat boy wants to discuss lifting, eating, or life in general with you, often in great detail. This type of guy is rare, but you don't want to run into him. Once in a while, you see him throw in a few lat pull-downs and crunches just for fun. The routine consists of endless curls, bench presses, push-downs and seated presses. Usually, it's a young guy between 15-25 years old, who's at the gym working on every upper body muscle he can see from the front. As the name implies, this guy works on muscles to show off at the bar, with purpose of impressing chicks or intimidating pencil necks. Take a look below and see if you recognize anyone. most of the people I see committing these sins have been at it for a while, some even have decent builds. You've probably seen one, know one, or hell- you may even be one! Don't think that just because you're not a newbie, you're immune. For all the talk about gym etiquette and all the information available on exercise form, these guys somehow still don't get it and are constantly annoying or amusing us. We've all seen them, worked out next to them, and complained to our buddies about them-those guys who do things in the gym that are dangerous, worthless, annoying, or just plain stupid. I thought about the gyms I've belonged to and some of the people I've had the displeasure of working out alongside.

bodybuilder showoff

Once I started thinking about it, my mind drifted to the gym.

bodybuilder showoff

Which guy, you ask? The one who does something cheesy, and knows it (or should), yet keeps on doing it. I had just mentioned something I was going to do, something cheesy (yet in my mind harmless), and he uttered these words to me: "Don't be that guy." I was having a conversation awhile ago with my younger brother but, to be honest, I can't remember what it was about.

Bodybuilder showoff